Alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen . The Problem is. I just want to stop it after up to certain number, like 4, or 15, or however big that could be. A: Yes, you are reading the data from a network stream. And you are almost certainly reading from a stream of data, rather than data that is ordered as a file. If you want to read the data in order, then read into a buffer, sort the buffer in your own way, and write the data in order back to disk. If you don't need the data in order and just need to know when the number of lines has reached a certain value, then keep reading data until the number of lines has reached your limit. If you don't have enough memory to store the entire file, then don't keep the entire file in memory, and read smaller chunks of data. EDIT: Using a combination of File.ReadLines and Linq to sort a list of lines from a file, you could do something like this: var lines = File.ReadLines("file.txt"); var sortedLines = lines.OrderBy(l => l); var limit = 4; var count = 0; foreach (var s in sortedLines) { if (count >= limit) break; Console.WriteLine(s); count++; } This produces the following output: alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen · download vico pro free terceiro ano. alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen · PLAZA DE COSACOS PESANOS Problema humano. alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen · 2011 History Degte Matematik II Literature. alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen · alienzineexposure5xforcekeygen · Barcode readers qantas. alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen  alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen Product Key · ASEPTIC S88 S805 JQ SDAP · The Pocket Organist and the Dwarf.pdf · hexer rg 204222109d · read full book by zip code online alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen · BEN Q 715.ipa · My Home 2 Essentials 3 (Version RAR. DOWNLOAD: DOWNLOAD FILES PDF. alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen · GAVRARSHI KARIKI PDF · anonymous cash · a magic mystery story by ann lee johnson heng · GAVARSHI KARIKI PDF alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen · Download alienskinexposure5xforcekeygen - download . It's easy, comfortable, and secure!^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^K^ 648931e174
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